Cultural trips

At the weekends, there are scheduled sessions of cultural documentation, all involving the idea of actively teaching applied Romanian language:

  • in the Old City of Braşov, a visit to the First Romanian School being usually included
  • on Transfăgărășan, one of the most spectacular routes in Romania, also known as the “route in the clouds” (a road that ensures, in fact, the connection between the historical region of Wallachia and Transylvania)
  • at a barbecue over Pietrele lui Solomon (Solomon’s Rocks)
  • while visiting other historically significant landmarks around Braşov
  • on trips throughout the country, their destination being updated close to the start of the programme

These site visits are accompanied by informed comments provided by young historians, sociologists, and art historians, specialised in researching the region, its history, traditions and the rich socio-cultural and ethnographic milieu existing in this area of Romania.